Con più di 50 insegnanti nel programma, il nostro rapporto studenti-insegnanti è inferiore a 1 : 1.
Robert Alexy
Professor emeritus at the Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
He has written extensively on legal argumentation, constitutional rights, and legal philosophy in general. Among his books are A Theory of Legal Argumentation. The Theory of Rational Discourse as Theory of Legal Justification (1978; Clarendon 1989), A Theory of Constitutional Rights (1985; Oxford 2002), and The Argument from Injustice: A Reply to Legal Positivism (Oxford 2002).
Prof. Alexy will give a residential course on Law, Rights and Argumentation.
Mauro Barberis
Professor at the University of Trieste, Italy
His research is focused on general jurisprudence, history of legal, political and constitutional thought, and metaethics. Co-founder and co-editor of Ragion pratica, and co-editor of Materiali per una storia de la cultura giuridica, he has published widely in international juridprudential journals, mostly in Italian and Spanish.
His books include: Benjami Constant. Rivoluzione, costituzione, progresso (Bologna 1988), Il Diritto come discorso e come comportamento (Torino 1990), L’evoluzione del Diritto (1998), Libertá (Bologna 1999), Filosofia del Diritto. Un’introduzione teorica (Torino 2003), La heterogeneidad del bien. Tres ensayos sobre el pluralismo ético (México 2006), Etica para jurístas (Madrid 2008), Europa del Diritto (Bologna 2008), Giuristi e filosofi (Bologna 2011), Manuale di filosofia del diritto (Torino 2011), Stato costituzionale (Modena 2012).
Prof. Barberis will give a residential course on Ethical Theory & Rule of Law together with professors José Juan Moreso and Vittorio Villa.
Carlos Bernal Pulido
Professor at the University Externado, Colombia, and at Macquery University, Sydney, Australia
Prof. Bernal Pulido will give an on-line course on Introduction to Constitutional Argumentation.
Michelangelo Bovero
Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy
Prof. Bovero will give a residential course on Liberalism, Democracy, and Rule of Law together with professors Patricia Mindus, Valnetina Pazé and Ermanno Vitale.
Pierre Brunet
Professor at the University Paris Ouest-Nanterre, France
Director of the Centre for theory and analysis of law, and member of the French University Institute from 2009, he devotes most of his reaserch to analytical and realist approches to law in general and to public law in particular.
His current work focuses on the modes of production of legal concepts and on interactions between normative systems. His publications include “Le raisonnement juridique: une pratique spécifique?”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (on line February 3, 2013); “Acerca del concepto de representación política”, Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, Vol. 7, 2012; Sulla rapprensentanza (Modena, Mucchi ed., 2012); “Le droit est-il est dans la tête? (A propos d’un livre de Karl Olivecrona)”, Jus Politicum, n°8, juillet 2012; “Perelman, le positivisme juridique et l’interprétation”, in M. Meyer and B. Frydman (Eds.), Perelman (1912-2012). De la nouvelle rhétorique à la logique juridique (PUF, 2012); “La représentation”, in M. Troper and D. Chagnollaud (Eds.), Traité International de Droit Constitutionnel (Paris, Dalloz, 2012); and “Interprétation normative et structure du système juridique”, Diritto & Questioni pubbliche, n. 11/2011.
Prof. Brunet will give a residential course on Constitutional Theory & General Theory of State together with professors Véronique Champeil-Desplats and Michel Troper.
Luka Burazin
Professor at University of Zagreb, Croatia
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and the Chair of the Department of General Theory of Law and State from 2013 to 2015, he teaches General Theory of Law and State, Legal Philosophy and Methodology of Legal Theory courses. He is the author of a number of papers in legal theory and philosophy of law, some of which have been published in journals Rechtstheorie, Archiv fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Diritto e questioni pubbliche and Ratio Juris (forthcoming). He is a co-editor of the books Law and State. Classical Paradigms and Novel Proposals (Peter Lang Publishing, Frankfurt am Main et. al., 2015) and Law as an Artifact (Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, forthcoming 2017). He is a co-editor of the international scholarly journal Revus. Journal for constitutional theory and philosophy of law and the founder and editor of the Legal Theory book series published by Naklada Breza (Zagreb).
Prof. Burazin will give a residential course on The Artifact Theory of Law together with professors Corado Roversi and Frederick Schauer.
Damiano Canale
Professor at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Prof. Canale will give a residential course on Legal Interpretation & Argumentation together with professors Pierluigi Chiassoni and Eric Millard.
Flavia Carbonell Bellolio
Professor at Alberto Hurtado University, Santiago, Chile
Prof. Carbonell Bellolio will give an online course on Legal Science together with professor Álvaro Núñez Vaquero.
Bruno Celano
Professor at the University of Palermo, Italy
He earned his PhD in analytic philosophy and jurisprudence at the University of Milan (Italy). He is a full professor of Legal philosophy at the University of Palermo (Italy) and is a member of the counselling committee of the journal Ragion pratica, as well as a member of the editorial board of Diritto e questioni pubbliche, Legal Theory, Analisi e diritto, Law, Ethics and Philosophy, Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, and Revus – Journal for constitutional theory and philosophy of law.
His publications include Dover essere e intenzionalità (Giappichelli, 1990), Dialettica della giustificazione pratica. Saggio sulla Legge di Hume, (Giappichelli, 1994), La teoria del diritto di Hans Kelsen. Una introduzione critica (Il Mulino, Bologna 1999), Dos estudios sobre la costumbre, (Fontamara, 2000), Derecho, justicia, razones.Ensayos 2000-2007 (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2009), Fatti istituzionali, consuetudini, convenzioni (Aracne, 2010), I diritti nello Stato costituzionale (Il Mulino, 2013), as well as several essays on various topics published in journals of practical philosophy and the philosophy of law.
Prof. Celano will give an on-line course on Practical Ethics & Jurisprudence together with professor Aldo Schiavello.
Véronique Champeil-Desplats
Professor at the University Paris Ouest-Nanterre
Her research is focused on fundamental and human rights, legal theory and constitutional law. Director of the CREDOF (Centre de Recherche et d’étude sur les droits fondamentaux, at the University Paris X ouest-Nanterre) since 2006, she wrote her PhD in 197 under the supervision of Michel Troper.
Her main works are Les principes fondamentaux reconnus par les lois de la République – Principes constitutionnels et justification dans les discours juridiques (Paris, Economica, 2001), Norberto Bobbio: Pourquoi la démocratie? (Michel Houdiard éditeur, 2008), Traduction et introduction, R. Guastini, Leçons de théorie constitutionnelle (Paris, Dalloz, collection Rivages du droit, 2010), L’effectivité des droits de l’homme, co-edited w/ D. Lochak (Nanterre, Presse de Paris 10, 2008), Droits de l’homme et libertés économiques, co-edited w/ D. Lochak (Nanterre, Presse de Paris 10, 2011).
Prof. Champail-Desplats will give a course on Constitutional Theory & General Theory of State together with professors Pierre Brunet and Michel Troper.
Pierluigi Chiassoni
Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Genoa
His areas of interest include theory of legal argumentation and interpretation, general theory of law, law and economics, and meta-ethics.
He holds a basic law degrees from the University of Genoa (1984), a master of laws from Cornell University (1987), and a PhD in analytical philosophy and general theory of law from the University of Milan (1990). He was admitted to the bar in 1992.
A co-editor of Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, he is also a member of the advisory boards of Ragion Pratica, Discusiones, and Nordicum Mediterraneum.
Several of his books and articles have been translated into other languages. His publications include Law and Economics. L’analisi economica del diritto negli Stati Uniti (Giappichelli, 1992); La giurisprudenza civile. Metodi d’interpretazione e tecniche argomentative (Giuffrè, 1999); L’utopia della ragione analitica. Origini, oggetti e metodi della filosofia del diritto positivo (Giappichelli, 2005); L’indirizzo analitico nella filosofia del diritto. I. Da Bentham a Kelsen (Giappichelli, 2009); Diritti umani, sentenze elusive, clausole ineffabili. Scritti di realismo militante (Aracne, 2011); Técnicas de interpretación juridica (Marcial Pons, 2011); and Desencantos para abogados realistas (Externado de Colombia, 2012).
Prof. Chiassoni will give an on-line course on Analytical Legal Theory, as well as a residential course on Legal Interpretation & Argumentation together with professors Damiano Canale and Eric Millard.
Paolo Comanducci
Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Genoa
His areas of expertise include political theory, theories of justice, legal interpretation and argumentation, constitutional theory, general theory of law. Graduated in law from the University of Genoa, he was invested Doctor Honoris Causa both at Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales della Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and at Universidad Privada “Ada A. Byron”, Chincha (Perú). He has also served as a dean of the Law Faculty, University of Genoa, and is now the dean of the School of Social Scineces at the same university.
Co-editor of peer-revied journals Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, Analisi e diritto, Ragion pratica, and Nuova giurisprudenza ligure, he is also on the advisory and scientific boards of various other international journals.
His publications include Settecento conservatore: Lampredi e il diritto naturale (Giuffrè,1981); Contrattualismo, utilitarismo, garanzie (Giappichelli, 1984); Assaggi di metaetica (Giappichelli, 1992); Razonamiento jurídico. Elementos para un modelo (Fontamara, 1999); Constitución y teoría del derecho (Fontamara, 2007); Hacia una teoría analítica del derecho. Ensayos escogidos (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2010); Democracia, derechos e interpretación jurídica. Ensayos de teoría analítica del derecho (ARA Editores, 2010).
Prof. Comaducci will give a residential course on General Theory of Law & Legal Science together with professor Juan Ruiz Manero.
Massimo Cuono
Università di Torino
Prof. Cuono will give an on-line course in political philosophy (the title is still to be announced).
Giovanni Damele
Researcher at the Philosophy of Language Institute of the Universidade Nova of Lisbon
His main fields of academic interest include philosophy of law, philosophy of politics, argumentation theory and rhetoric. He is particularly interested in legal argumentation and, more in general, in the persuasive and strategic dimension of practical argumentation.
His recent publications include the book Retorica e persuasione nelle teorie dell’argomentazione giuridica (Genoa: Ecig, 2008); the essay “Legal Certainty in Europe. The Legal Pluralism and theArgumentative Practices of the European Court of Justice”, in G. De Angelis, P. Barcelos (eds.), The Charter of Fundamental Rights: Its Implementation and Political Meaning, Ten Years Later (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013); and the paper “A força das coisas: o argumento naturalista na jurisprudência constitucional”, Revista Brasileira de Filosofia (vol. 239, 2012).
Prof. Damele will hold an on-line course in Philosophy of Evidence.
Andrea Dolcetti
Lecturer in Law at St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford
In 2010, he received a Ph.D. in Legal Philosophy and Bioethics from the Faculty of Law at the University of Genoa. He has also been awarded a M.St. in Legal Research from the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, and a Laurea in Filosofia (summa cum laude) from the University of Genoa. From 2009 to 2011 he was one of conveners of the Oxford Jurisprudence Discussion Group.
His main research interests include: the idea of state sovereignty; the relationship between practical and legal reasoning; and the theoretical relevance of legal disagreements. He is also interested in medieval political philosophy; and in the epistemology of the social sciences.
Dr. Dolcetti will give an on-line course on Natural Law Theory and Legal Reasoning.
Timothy Endicott
Professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Prof. Endicott will give a residential course on Human Rights.
Rafael Escudero Alday
Associate professor in Philosophy of Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid
He obtained a Ph.D. in Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid (1999). He has been Visiting Fellow at Genova University (Italy) and usually participates in seminars, conferences, LL.M. courses and PhD courses in Spanish and American universities (Nicaragua, Cuba, Perú, etc.). In 2011/12 he has been International Visiting Scholar at Washington College of Law (American University) and Recipient of Cajamadrid Foundation Scholarship. He is the main researcher in the project “La protección de los derechos de las víctimas de la guerra civil y la represión franquista”, sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of the Presidency (2011-2012). Academic Coordinator of Erasmus Programme between Carlos III University Of Madrid and Italian universities of Genoa and Brescia. Member of the Editorial Staff of the scientific journal Analisi e Diritto (Italy-Spain). Co-director of the collection Postpositivismo y Derecho of Palestra Editores (Perú).
Author of several articles and monographs, his most important publications are: Intervención divina. El fracaso del Derecho en Palestina (Valencia,2005), Los calificativos del positivismo jurídico. El debate sobre la incorporación de la moral (Madrid, 2004), and Positivismo y moral interna del derecho (Madrid, 2000).
Prof. Escudero will give an on-line course on Transitional Justice.
Jordi Ferrer Beltrán
Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Girona, Spain
Prof. Ferrer Beltrán will give a resdiential course on General Theory of Law & Legal Science together with prof. Paolo Comanducci and Juan Ruiz Manero.
Roberto Gargarella
Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lawyer and Sociologist (UBA, 1983, 1985), Doctor in Law (UBA, 1991), LLM (University of Chicago, 1992), Doctor in Jurisprudence (University of Chicago, 1993). Post doctoral studies at the Balliol College de Oxford (1994). He was awarded different grants, including one from the British Council, the Fulbright Foundation, the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Frank Harry Guggenheim Fellowship. He was visiting professor at the Universities of Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), ITAM (Mexico), Bergen and Oslo (Norway), New School and Columbia (USA), among others.
He published more than 20 books, including The Legal Foundations of Inequality (Cambridge UP, 2010), and 200 Years of Latin American Constitutionalism (Oxford UP 2013).
Prof. Gargarella will give an on-line course on Contemporary Constitutional Theory.
Andrea Greppi
Professor of Political Philosophy at the University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Prof. Greppi will give an on-line course on Democracy, Terrorism, War and Peace.
Riccardo Guastini
Professor of Legal Theory at the University of Genoa, Italy
Co-editor of reknowned law journals like Analisi e diritto, Ragion pratica, and Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, he has been a visiting professor at the University Paris X Ouest-Nanterre, Cardozo Law School, New York, Sciences Po, Paris, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, and University Aix-Marseille.
He has authored many articles and thirty books in various languages, including: L’interpretazione dei documenti normativi (Milano 2004), Distinguendo. Studi di teoria e metateoria del diritto (Torino 1996, Barcelona 1999), Dalle fonti alle norme (Torino 1990, Sao Paolo 2005), Lezione di teoria del diritto e dello stato (Torino 2006), Teoría e ideología de la interpretación constitucional (Mardid 2008), Nuovi studi sull’interpretazione (Rome 2009), Interpretación, Estado y constitución (Lima 2010), Le fonti del diritto. Fondamenti teorici (Milano 2010), Leçons de théorie constitutionnelle (Paris 2010), La sintassi del diritto (Torino 2011), Interpretare e argomentare (Milano 2011), Distinguendo ancora (Madrid 2013).
Prof. Guastini will give a residential course on Constitutional State & Fundamental Rights together with professor Giorgio Pino.
Marisa Iglesias Vila
Professor of Legal Philosophy at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
Her research is actually focused on global justice and world poverty, Law and social fairness, freedom of religion and the jurisprudence of the ECtHR. She has been a visiting scholar at the European Humanities University of Minsk, Balliol College of Oxford University, the Global Law School of New York University, and the Law Faculty of Puerto Rico University.
Her main publications in legal philosophy and political justice include: “Una crítica al positivismo hartiano: el problema del seguimiento de reglas”, Analisi e Diritto 1998; “Los conceptos esencialmente controvertidos en la interpretación constitucional”, Doxa (2000); Facing Judicial Discretion: Legal Knowledge and Right Answers Revisited (Kluwer 2001); Globalisation, Democracy and Citizenship—Prospects for the European Union, Duncker & Humblot (Co-edition, 2003); Violencia ambiental, liberalismo y responsabilidad (Editores del Puerto 2003), El positivismo en el estado constitucional (Trotta 2005); Justicia global y derechos humanos: Hacia una ética de las prioridades (AFDUAM 2005); “La autoridad del Derecho como cuestión de justicia política”, Discusiones (2006); Poverty and Humanity: Individual Duties and the Moral Point of View (Duncker & Humblot 2006); De la justicia como equidad al Derecho como equidad (Aquilafuente 2007); “Las causas de indeterminación del Derecho: una aproximación filosófica”, CDP (2007), “¿Es realmente superfluo el Derecho? Justicia política e insularidad del razonamiento jurídico”, La ley (2008), “The Interplay of Law and Culture. Open Questions”, RJUP (2009), Igualdad de género en sociedades multiculturales: un problema de equidad social (Dykinson 2010), Acción positiva y género en la Unión Europea: ¿Es la jurisprudencia del TJCE un obstáculo para la acción positiva en Europa? (Fontamara 2010); La pobreza extrema en tiempos de crisis: ¿Contribuye el institucionalismo a nuestra inestabilidad moral? (Tirant lo Blanch 2011), Religious practice and observance in the EU Member States (European Parliament 2013), La pobreza extrema en el siglo XX: luces y sombras de la justicia social (Dykinson 2013, forthcoming), The crucifix ‘affair’ as a missed opportunity: the ambivalence of the European Court of Human Rights (Routledge 2013, forthcoming).
Prof. Iglesias will hold an on-line course on World Poverty, Global Justice and Gender together with professor Susanna Pozzolo.
Giulio Itzcovich
Researcher in Philosophy of Law at the University of Brescia, Italy
Education: Bar Exam (2005); PhD in Philosophy of Law, University of Pisa (2004); Degree in Law, University of Genova (1999).
Teaching: Jurisprudence (Part C) (LLB), Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London (2013); Member of the Doctoral Committee in History of European Legal Culture, University of Genova (2008-2012); Communication and Argumentation Techniques (module leader), Specialization School for Legal Professions, University of Brescia (2008-present); Theories of Justice (module leader), University of Brescia (2009, 2011); Legal Informatics (module leader), University of Brescia (2010); Philosophy of Law (module leader), University of Brescia (2009). Visiting researcher at the King’s College London, Centre of European Law (Apr-Jul 2011), l’Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Mar 2007), Max Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt (Nov 2002-Mar 2003).
Selected recent publications: “One, None and One Hundred Thousand Margins of Appreciations. Notes on the Lautsi Case”, Human Rights Law Review 2013; “Legal Order, Legal Pluralism, Fundamental Principles. Europe and Its Law in Three Concepts”, European Law Journal 18/3, 2012, pp. 358–384; “Più vicino ai cittadini? Processi costituzionali europei, politica della comunicazione e pubblicità”, Filosofia politica 24/3, 2010, pp. 467-488; “The Interpretation of Community Law by the European Court of Justice”, German Law Journal 10/5, 2009.
Prof. Itzcovich will give an on-line course on Philosophy of International Law.
Matthew Kramer
Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Kramer will lecture on Problems of Morality and Problems of Law: Torture and Capital Punishment during our residential module.
Andrej Kristan
Juan de la Cierva Fellow at the University of Girona, Spain
With a dissertation on law’s hypertextuality, his interests are mainly in the fields of jurisprudence and the philosophy of language, though he also holds degrees in history of legal institutions and in law. He studied in Ljubljana, Poitiers, Paris (Panthéon-Assas), Brussels (European Academy of Legal Theory), Alicante, Genoa, Kraków and Berkeley, and serves as editor of Revus. Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law.
His publications include ‘In Defence of the Expressive Conception of Norms’, in Normativity, Rules, and Rule-Following (Eds. M. Araszkiewicz et al.), Springer 2014; ‘Cómo justificar una (no) intervención legislativa? Los elementos clave para un discurso legisprudencial’ in La argumentación jurídica en el Estado constitucional (Eds. P. Grández and F. Morales), Palestra 2013; ‘I revirements giurisprudenziali: una sfida per i contestualisti’, Diritto & Questioni pubbliche, vol. 13, 143-200; and ‘Hyperliterature and Law’ in Crossing Borders. Law, Language, and Literature (Eds. J. Gaakeer & F. Ost), Wolf Legal Publishing 2008.
Prof. Kristan will give an on-line course in Normative Investigations. From Coercion to Libertarian Paternalism and its Critique.
José Luis Martí
Associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona
He holds a Bachelor in Law by Pompeu Fabra University (1997), and PhD in political science by Pompeu Fabra University (2004). Co-editor of the journal Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), he is also member of the Tampere Club, and of the Advisory Board of the journals Isonomía and Teoria Politica. He has been Laurance S. Rockefeller Fellow of the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University (2008-2009) and next year he will be Visiting Professor at University of Richmond.
He has published several articles in five different countries, in English, Italian and Spanish, and has been translated into Portuguese.He is author of La república deliberativa: una teoría de la democracia (Madrid: Marcial Pons 2006), and co-author with Philip Pettit of A Political Philosophy in Public Life: Civic Republicanism in Zapatero’s Spain (Princeton, Princeton University Press). He is also co-editor of several books, like Nuevas ideas republicanas: autogobierno y libertad, co-edited with Félix Ovejero and Roberto Gargarella (Barcelona, Paidós 2004); and two books co-edited with Samantha Besson: Deliberative Democracy and Its Discontents. National and Post-national Challenges (London: Ashgate 2006), and Law and Republicanism: National and Post-national perspectives (Oxford, Oxford University Press).
Prof. Martí will give an on-line course on Republicanism & Deliberative Democracy.
Eric Millard
Professor of public law at the University Paris Ouest-Nanterre, France
Vice President of the IVR and member of the French University Institute, he also heads the doctoral school at the Paris Nanterre University. He has published numerous papers and chapters in different countries, including Théorie générale du droit (2006 Dalloz – Italian translation Teoria generale del diritto, Giapichelli 2009). His research is focused on legal theory questions in the field of analytical approach, and legal realism.
Prof. Millard will give a residential course on Legal Interpretation & Argumentation together with professors Damiano Canale, Pierluigi Chiassoni and Riccardo Guastini.
Patricia Mindus
Associate professor in Practical Philosophy at Uppsala University
Her areas of expertise include Political and Legal theory, Citizenship Studies, EU Studies. Before joining the Philosophy Department at Uppsala University, she worked as research fellow at the Department of Political Studies, University of Turin and as assistant course director in Political Theory, Theory of Human Rights, and History of Political Thought at the universities of Turin and Aosta (Italy). She holds an MA, full university degree in Philosophy from University Roma III faculty of humanities and philosophy (2000), and a PhD in Political Theory and EU Studies from the University
of Turin (2006).
Author of A Real Mind. The Life and Work of Axel Hägerström (Springer 2009) and more recently co-editor, with Michael Freeman, of The Legacy of John Austin’s Jurisprudence (Springer, Boston/Dordrecht 2012) and, with Pierre Brunet & Eric Millard, of the Special Issue “Realist Law-making” in Legisprudence (Hart, Oxford: forthcoming 2013). Among recently organized events: Hägerström and Modern Social Thought (Uppsala 2011) & the IVR Special Workshop Legitimacy 2.0 – E-democracy and Public Opinion in the Digital Age (Frankfurt am M. 2011), as well as European Citizenship: Twenty Years On (Uppsala 2013).
Prof. Mindus will give a course on Liberalism, Democracy and Rule of Law together with professors Michelangelo Bovero, Valentina Pazé and Ermanno Vitale.
Pablo Andrés Moreno Cruz
Professor at the University of Genoa, Italy, and at the University Externado, Colombia
Ph.D. in comparative law and comparative legal history (Ferrara) and master in European private law (Roma, la Sapienza). He was a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, Law School.
Editor of a few books on comparative law and on philosophy of law, he is also the author of El interés de grupo como interés jurídico tutelado, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2003. His recent publications include: Usos de la locución ‘adecuada representación’ y la operatividad de la Federal Plaintiff Class action estadounidense, Revista de derecho privado, 21, 2012; Los límites a la Exceptio Inadimpleti Contractus: La “buena”, la “mala” y la “fea” excepción de contrato no cumplido, Revista de derecho privado, 23, 2013; and Una (pequeña) caja de herramientas para el estudio de los sistemas de relevancia del precedente judicial (más o menos) vinculante, in XIII Jornadas de derecho administrativo. El precedente judicial, José Luis Benavides (ed.), 2013, forthcoming.
Prof. Moreno Cruz will give an on-line course: Introduction to Comparative Law.
José Juan Moreso
Professor of Legal Philosophy and Rector of Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelon, Spain
He has a law degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1983) and a doctorate in law from the same university (1988). Before joining the Pompeu Fabra University, he had been a professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and at Girona University. He has mainly worked on theory of law, with special attention to the structure and dynamics of legal systems, applying the contributions of the deontic logic. His most recent research is based on the philosophical foundations of the constitution, covering a wide range where several areas converge, as: metaethics, philosophy of language, theory of interpretation and argumentation of Law, political philosophy and theory of democracy. On October 2010, he was invested as doctor honoris causa of the Valparaíso University (Chile).
Author of several articles and books, among which: La teoría del Derecho de Bentham (1992), Orden jurídico y sistema jurídico (1993, with Pablo Navarro), Legal Indeterminacy and Constitutional Interpretation (1998), Introducción a la teoría del Derecho (2004, with Josep M. Vilajosana), Lógica, argumentación e interpretación del Derecho (2006) and La Constitución: modelo para armar (2009).
Prof. Moreso give a residential course on Ethical Theory and Rule of Law together with professors Mauro Barberis and Vittorio Villa in 2012.
Álvaro Núñez Vaquero
Professor at Austral University, Valdivia, Chile
His areas of specialty are theory of legal science, legal realism, and theories of constitutional democracy. He graduated from the Autonomous university of Madrid, and eared his PhD from the University of Genoa.
Author of various articles, including “Ciencia jurídica realista: modelos y justificación”, Doxa 2012, and “Algunos comentarios sobre el debate entre neo-constitucionalistas y realistas”, Analisi e diritto 2010, he is currently editing a collection of papers on the theory of legal science, and preparing a monography on legal realism.
Prof. Núñez Vaquero will give an on-line course on Theory of Legal Science.
Daniel Oliver-Lalana
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Prof. Oliver-Lalana graduated in law and completed his PhD in legal philosophy at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). His recent publications include a book on legal communication (Legitimidad a través de la comunicación, Granada, 2011), a socio-legal study on data protection law (Derecho y cultura de protección de datos, Madrid, 2012, co-authored with J.F. Muñoz) and the contributed volume The Rationality and Justification of Legislation (Dordrecht, 2013, co-edited with L.J. Wintgens).
Prof. Oliver-Lalana will give an on-line course on The Theory of Lawmaking.
Valentina Pazé
Professor at the University of Turin, Italy
Prof. Pazé will give a residential course on Liberalism, Democracy and Rule of Law together with professors Michelangelo Bovero, Patricia Mindus and Ermanno Vitale.
Giorgio Pino
Associate professor in Philosophy of Law at the University of Palermo
His research interest is mainly focused on theory of fundamental rights, legal interpretation and argumentation, freedom of speech, personal identity, religious freedom, and right to privacy. Giorgio Pino obtained a PhD in Human Rights from the University of Palermo and a Master Degree from the European Academy of Legal Theory (Bruxelles). He has held visiting scholar positions at the Centre for Law and Society of the University of Edinburgh (1998), at the University of Girona, (2006), Columbia University (NY 2007) and Oxford University (2009). He has also been a Visting Professor at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (2013).
Giorgio Pino is one of the Editors in Chief of “Diritto e Questioni pubbliche”, an online journal in legal theory and philosophy of law, and of the book series “Ethos/Nomos”; he is also a member of the Advisory Board of “Ragion Pratica” and of the Scientific Committee of “Revus”.
He has published extensively in Italian and foreign journals, such as Law and Philosophy, Doxa, Ragion pratica, Analisi e diritto, and is the author of the following books: Il diritto all’identità personale. Interpretazione costituzionale e creatività giurisprudenziale (il Mulino, 2003), Diritti fondamentali e ragionamento giuridico (Giappichelli, 2008), Diritti e interpretazione. Il ragionamento giuridico nello Stato costituzionale (il Mulino, 2010).
Prof. Pino will give a residential course on Constitutional Theory & Fundamental Rights.
Francesca Poggi
Associate professor at the Department Cesare Beccaria at the University of Milan
She teaches General jurisprudence and Law and bioethics. Her main research interests are analysis of legal concepts, theory of legal systems, legal interpretation, and bioethics.
She is member of the Editorial committee of the scientific journal “Analisi e diritto” (Marcial Pons, Madrid), and referee for the journals “Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica contemporanea” (Il Mulino, Bologna), “Ragion Pratica” (Il Mulino, Bologna) and “Teoria politica”, Marcial Pons Madrid.
She has published a book on permissive norms (Norme Permissive, Torino: Giappichelli, 2004) and a collection of lectures on general legal concepts (Concetti teorici fondamentali, Pisa: ETS, 2013) as well as a number of essays in Italian, English and Spanish.
Prof. Poggi will give an on-line course on Law and Bioethics.
Susanna Pozzolo
Full time Researcher at the University of Brescia, Italy
1993 J.D. from the University of Genoa, Dissertation on The Prosecutor’s duty to start legal criminal action and his political independence; 1998 Ph.D. with a dissertation on Neoconstitutionalism and Legal Positivism; 2000 Bar exam at Genoa’s Courto of Appeal. Since 1996 she spent several periods of study in Spain, mainly at Pompeu Fabra University and Girona University, and has various research fellowship in Italy, by the Universities of Genoa, Cagliari, Brescia. Member of the Genovese group of research, she participated at many research project. Member of the editorial board of Ragion pratica, Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, Diritto e questioni pubbliche, About Gender. She teaches legal information, theories of justice at Brescia University where is Full time Researcher.
Among her recent publications: Costituzioni, interpretazioni, disaccordi, Appunti per un diritto che cambia (Aracne: Roma 2012); Neoconstitucionalismo y positivismo jurídico, transl. from Italian 2001, Palestra (Lima) 2011; with E.O.R. Duarte, Neoconstitucionalismo e positivismo jurídico. As faces de teoria do Direito em tempos de interpretação moral da Constituição, Parte II, Landy (Brasile) 2010 2°ed.; Onde está o direito? Pluralismo jurídico e conceito de direito: reflexões à margem do pensamento kelseniano, in CONTRA O ABSOLUTO. Perspectivas críticas, políticas e filosóficas da obra de Hans Kelsen (A.S.M.C.Matos y A.B.S. Neto) Juruá (Paraná) 2011; “To free her, we need to destroy the myth. Note antropologiche e speranze politiche”, Ragion pratica 37, 2011.
Prof. Pozzolo will hold an on-line course on World Poverty, Global Justice and Gender together with professor Marisa Iglesias.
Giovanni Battista Ratti
Lecturer in Legal Philosophy at the University of Genoa, Italy
Before his appointment with the University of Genoa, he has been Government of Canada Research Scholar (University of Toronto, 2004-05), Government of Spain “Juan de la Cierva” Fellow in Law (University of Girona, 2008-2011), visiting professor at the universities of Girona (Spain, 2006-2008), “Pompeu Fabra” of Barcelona (Spain, 2008-2009), Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina, 2011), and Milan “Bocconi” (Italy, 2012 and 2013).
Amongst his main books are: El gobierno de las normas (Madrid, Marcial Pons 2013); Diritto, indeterminatezza, indecidibilità (Madrid, Marcial Pons 2012); The Logic of Legal Requirements (Oxford, OUP 2012, w/ Jordi Ferrer Beltrán); El realismo jurídico genovés (Madrid, Marcial Pons 2011, w/ Jordi Ferrer Beltrán); Norme, principi e logica (Rome, Aracne 2009); Sistema giuridico e sistemazione del diritto (Turin, Giappichelli 2008).
Prof. Ratti will hold an on-line course in Logic for Lawyers.
María Cristina Redondo
Associate professor in Philosophy of Law at the University of Genoa, Italy, and Independent Researcher at CONICET, Argentina
She graduated in Jurisprudence from Cordoba National University (Argentina) and earned her doctoral degree in Law from Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Spain). She has been visiting professor to graduate and post-graduate courses in numerous European and Latin American universities: Genoa University (Italy), Pompeu Fabra and Girona (Spain), Córdoba National University (Argentina), ITAM (México), Temuco (Chile), Externado (Colombia). She has had individual scholarships and grants conferred by public and private institutions in Italy, Spain and Argentina, and partake in seventeen research groups (in Italy, Spain and Argentina). She was awarded Guggenheim Fellowship (2001-2002).
Author of many articles and several books on legal theory. Among these: La noción de razón para la acción en el análisis jurídico (1996), Reasons for Action and The Law (1999), and Sobre principios y estado de derecho. La justificación de las decisiones judiciales (2009).
Prof. Redondo will give an on-line course on Theories of Justice together with professor Andrés Rossetti.
Andrés Rossetti
Professor of Constitutional Law at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina
Degree in Law, UNC 1984. Diploma in Human Rights Law, Institute of European Law, Academy of Law, Florence, Italy, 1999; LL.M (Master) on International Human Rights Law (Scholarship by the STINT Foundation), Lund University, Sweden 2000 and Ph.D in Human Rights Law, Palermo University, Italy 2007.
He has published many articles in specialized books and journals in Argentina, Spain and Italy. His most recents books are Derecho a la igualdad, 2010 and Derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes, 2011 (Cijs, UNC-Advocatus, co-edited with Magdalena I. Alvarez) y Los derechos sociales en el siglo XXI (Dykinson, 2010 co-edited with Silvina Ribotta).
Prof. Rossetti will hold an on-line course in Theories of Justice together with professor María Cristina Redondo.
Juan Ruiz Manero
Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Alicante, Spain
He is member of the editorial board of the journals Doxa. Cuadernos de filosofía del Derecho and Isonomía, and also of the scientific committee of the journal Analisi e Diritto. He has participated as a lecturer at various doctoral programs, masters degrees and training courses for judges in Europe and Latinoamérica.
Author of numerous papers in his speciality, his books include Jurisdicción y normas (1990), Las piezas del Derecho. Teoría de los enunciados jurídicos (with Manuel Atienza, 1996), and Dos modelos de constitucionalismo. Una conversación (with Luigi Ferrajoli, 2012).
Prof. Ruiz Manero will give a residential course on General Theory of Law & Legal Science together with professor Paolo Comanducci.
Alessio Sardo
Researcher with a grant at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy
Alessio Sardo (European PhD in Legal Philosophy and Bioethics) is Researcher with grant at Bocconi University (Milano, Italy). He is also member of the “Tarello Institute”, and serves as editor for the Journal “Analisi e diritto”. He presented his works in Tokyo, Kanazawa, Lisbon, Kiel, Washington, Genoa, Milano, Paris, Zagreb, Nova Gorica, Saint Petersburg. He has been invited as visiting researcher at the Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Juristisches Seminar (2013, 2014), and at the at the Centre du Theorie du Droit – Université Paris Nanterre (2012).
Some of his publications include “The Dark Side of Imperatives”, forthcoming in Capone, A. / Poggi, F., Pragmatics and the Law Vol. II: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives, Springer, Dordrecht, 2016; “Legal Philosophers, Meaning and Force”, in Burazin, Luka / Gardašević, Đorđe / Sardo, Alessio (eds.), Law and the State. Classical Paradigms and Novel Proposals, Peter Lang, Wien; (With Alejandro Daniel Calzetta) “Una nueva visita a la concepción expresiva” [A New Insight on the Expressive Conception], in “Doxa”, n° 37, 2014, pp. 45-63; “Alexy, sorazmernost in zatrjevanje pravilnosti” [Alexy, Proportionality and Claim to Correctness], in “Revus”, n° 22, 2014, pp. 7-19; Teorías de la ponderación – análisis critico [Theories of Balancing: A Cricial Analisis], in P. Grandez, F. Morales (eds.) La argumentación jurídica en el estado constitucional, Palestra Editores, Lima, 2013, pp. 239-272; In the Mood for Meaning. Considerazioni intorno alla teoria pragmaticamente orientata dell’interpretazione giuridica [In the Mood for Meaning. Reflections on the Pragmatically Oriented Theory of Legal Interpretation], in “Diritto e questioni pubbliche”, n° 13, 2013, pp. 231-283.
José María Sauca
Professor in Philosophy of Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Prof. Sauca will split a residential course on Multiculturalism & Constitutional Rights with professor Frederick Schauer.
Frederick Schauer
David and Mary Harrison Distinguished professor of Law at the University of Virginia, USA
Previously he served for 18 years as Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, where he has served as academic dean and acting dean, and before that was a professor of law at the University of Michigan.
He is the author of The Law of Obscenity (BNA, 1976), Free Speech: A Philosophical Enquiry (Cambridge, 1982), Playing By the Rules: A Philosophical Examination of Rule-Based Decision-Making in Law and in Life (Clarendon/Oxford, 1991), Profiles, Probabilities, and Stereotypes (Belknap/Harvard, 2003), and Thinking Like a Lawyer: A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning (Harvard, 2009). He is also co-editor of The Philosophy of Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings (1996) and The First Amendment: A Reader (1995), and author of numerous articles on constitutional law and theory, freedom of speech and press, legal reasoning and the philosophy of law.
Prof. Schauer will split a residential course on Multiculturalism & Constitutional Rights with professor José María Sauca.
Aldo Schiavello
University of Palermo, Italy
His research focuses on legal positivism, legal interpretation and legal reasoning, neo-constitutionalism, theories of justice, public reason, and normativity. He earned his Ph.D in analytical philosophy and general theory of law from University of Milan (1997), and an LL.M in Legal Theory from European Academy of Legal Theory (Bruxelles, 1993).
Co-director of Diritto & Questioni pubbliche, he is also assistant editor of Ragion Pratica and advisory board member of Ethics & Politics.
Prof. Schiavello will give an on-line course on Practical Ethics & Jurisprudence together with professor Bruno Celano.
Michel Troper
Professor emeritus fom the University Paris Ouest-Nanterre, France
He has been teaching Constitutional Law and Legal theory since 1969, first at the University of Rouen then at Paris X. In 1993 he received an appointment to a chair at the Institut Universitaire de France and has been emeritus professor since 2006. He has been a visiting professor or scholar and gave lectures in a number of universities across the world. He held the “chaire Chaim Perelman” at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2008-2009 and was a fellow at the Straus Institute for Law and Justice (NYU) in 2011-2012. He has served in several scientific societies and is honorary president of the French Society for legal and political philosophy (SFPJ) and the French Association for Constitutional Law.
His views on the epistemology of legal science and on legal interpretation played a part in the revival of legal theory in France. His writings include one of the standard French manuals in Constitutional law Droit constitutionnel (that he wrote with Francis Hamon), (33rd edit. 2012); Pour une théorie juridique de l’Etat (Paris, PUF, 1994); Le droit, la théorie du droit, l’Etat (Paris, PUF, 2001); La philosophie du droit (Paris, PUF, 3rd. Edit. 2011); Terminer la Révolution : la constitution de 1795 (Paris, Fayard, 2006); Le droit et la nécessité (Paris, PUF, 2011); Traité international de droit constitutionnel (co-ed.; Paris, Dalloz, 3 vol., 2012). Several of his books and articles have been translated into other languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Arabic).
Prof. Troper will give a residential course on Constitutional Theory & General Theory of State together with professors Pierre Brunet and Véronique Champeil-Desplats.
Giovanni Tuzet
Assistant professor at the Bocconi University of Milan
His areas of interest include epistemology, philosophy of logic, pragmatism, normative sciences and, in particular, philosophy of law. Before joinning the Bocconi University in Milan to teach Economic Analysis of Law and Legal Hermeneutics, he was a post-doc researcher at the universities of Lausanne, Switzerland, and Ferrara, Italy. He studied law and philosophy in Turin and Paris and wrote his Ph.D. thesis on Peirce’s theory of inference.
His publications include La prima inferenza. L’abduzione di C.S. Peirce fra scienza e diritto (2006) and Dover decidere. Diritto, incertezza e ragionamento (2010).
Prof. Tuzet will give an on-line course on Pragmatism, Law and Economics.
Vittorio Villa
University of Palermo, Italy
Prof. Villa will give a residential course on Ethical Theory & Rule of Law together with professors Mauro Barberis and José Juan Moreso.
Ermanno Vitale
University of Turin, Italy
Prof. Vitale will give a residential course on Liberalism, Democracy & Rule of Law together with professors Michelangelo Bovero, Patricia Mindus and Valentina Pazé.
Silvia Zorzetto
Researcher at the Università di Milano
Her areas of interest include semiotics, theory of legal argumentation and interpretation, general theory of law, legal drafting and legal method. After obtaining PhD in analytical philosophy and general theory of law from Milan University, she worked as research fellow at Cesare Beccaria Legal Sciences Department at the same university and as assistant at the universities of Bergamo, Milan-Bicocca, and Venice (Italy).
The author of La ragionevolezza dei privati. Saggio di metagiurisprudenza esplicativa (FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2008) and of La norma speciale. Una nozione ingannevole (ETS, Pisa, 2010), she also edited La consuetudine giuridica. Teoria, storia, ambiti disciplinari (ETS, Pisa, 2008). Besides, her publications include many articles in national and international jounrals.
Prof. Zorzetto will give an on-line course on Law & Reasonableness.