One Month in Genoa, Italy
Three On-line Sessions
A Research Period
Program of Studies
The program is divided into five sessions: three of them will be devoted to distant (on-line) courses; one to residential courses taught at the University of Genoa's Campus in Genoa; and one to individual research culminating in a master thesis as the final step for obtaining the master’s degree.
The courses will be held in English and/or in Spanish.
Reading and listening comprehension of both languages is indispensable, whereas for oral and written communication students may also use Italian or French if they prefer.

The Residential Courses in Genoa
The residential session of the Master, lasting for four weeks between June and July every year, takes place in Genoa (Italy), and consists in eight courses given by some of the best international experts in the field:
[ 1 ] Legal Interpretation & Argumentation
Damiano CANALE (Bocconi University), Pierluigi CHIASSONI (Università di Genova) and Eric MILLARD (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre)
[ 2 ] Law, Rights & Argumentation
Robert ALEXY (Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel)
[ 3 ] Constitutional Theory and General Theory of State
Michelangelo BOVERO (Universitá di Torino) and Valentina PAZE (Universitá di Torino).
[ 4 ] Theory of Law & Legal Science
Martin BOROWSKI (Universität Heidelberg) and Juan RUIZ MANERO (Universidad de Alicante).
[ 5 ] Rule of Law and Legal Certainty
Matthias KLATT (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz), Álvaro NÚÑEZ VAQUERO (Universidad Austral, Valdivia) and Riccardo GUASTINI (Università di Genova).
[ 6 ] Introduction to Democratic Theory
Mauro BARBERIS (Università di Trieste) and Véronique CHAMPEIL-DESPLATS (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre).
[ 7 ] Selected Topics of Legal Philosophy
Juan Pablo ALONSO (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Juliano MARANHÃO (Universidade de São Paulo-USP) and Giovanni Battista RATTI (Università di Genoa).
[ 8 ] Rule of Law and Constitucional Democracy on Debate
Sebastián FIGUEROA RUBIO (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile), Jordi FERRER BELTRÁN (Universitat de Girona) and Alejandro CHEHTMAN (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina).
On-line courses
Every student shall participate in ten on-line courses chosen from a list of thirty-three courses offered by the program. These courses will be offered through an internet platform in three different sessions, each one of them lasting about two months (November-December; January-March; and April-May). Participants will be asked to read and discuss some key texts chosen by the lecturer(s), and/or to write short papers for evaluation.
[1] Introduction to Constitutional Argumentation
Carlos BERNAL PULIDO (Universidad Externado de Colombia)
[2] Logic for Lawyers
Giovanni Battista RATTI (Università di Genova)
[3] Introduction to Analytical Legal Theory
Pierluigi CHIASSONI (Università di Genova)
[4] Fundamental Legal Concepts
María Beatriz ARRIAGADA CÁCERES (Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile)
[5] Transitional Justice
Rafael ESCUDERO (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
[6] Philosophy of International Law
Giulio ITZCOVICH (Università di Brescia)
[7] Lawmaking Theory and Constitucional Democracy
Daniel OLIVER-LALANA (Universidad de Zaragoza)
[8] Philosophy of Evidence
Diego DEI VECCHI (Universitat de Girona)
[9] Metaethics and Constitutional Values
Adam DYRDA (Jagiellonian University - Jagiellonian Center for Law)
[10] Responsibility in Morality, Law, and Justice
Diego PAPAYANNIS (Universitat de Girona)
[11] Perspectives on Legal Realism
Luca MALAGOLI (Università di Genova)
[12] Democracy, Terrorism, War and Peace
Andrea GREPPI (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
[13] Republicanism and Deliberative Democracy
Jose Luís MARTÍ (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
[14] Law & Bioethics
Francesca POGGI (Università Statale di Milano)
[15] World Poverty, Global Justice, and Gender
Susanna POZZOLO (Università di Brescia)
[16] Political Theory and Constitution
María Guadalupe SALMORÁN (Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas - UNAM)
[17] Predictability and Legal Certainty
Jorge BAQUERIZO MINUCHE (Universitat de Girona)
[18] Psychology of Judicial Decision
Diego MORENO CRUZ (Universidad Externado de Colombia)
[19] Authority and Legitimacy of Law
Sebastián FIGUEROA RUBIO (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

[20] Pragmatism, Law and Economics
Giovanni TUZET (Università Bocconi, Milano) and Fabrizio ESPOSITO (NOVA School of Law)
[21] Theories of Justice
Andrés ROSSETTI (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
[22] Natural Law Theory and the Rule of Law
Andrea DOLCETTI (Macquarie University)
[23] Introduction to Comparative Law
Pablo MORENO CRUZ (Università di Ferrara – Universidad Externado de Colombia)
[24] Law and Reasonableness
Silvia ZORZETTO (Università di Milano)
[25] Normative Investigations
Andrej KRISTAN (Università di Genova)
[26] Science and Judicial Process
Carmen VÁZQUEZ (Universitat de Girona)
[27] Intro to Law and Development from the Legal Perspective
Carolina FERNÁNDEZ BLANCO (Universitat de Girona)
[28] Just War and Legal Theory
Alejandro CHEHTMAN (Universidad Torcuato di Tella)
[29] The Ethics of Utilitarianism
Alejandro CALZETTA (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile)
[30] Legitimate Defense and Human Rights
Hernán BOUVIER (CONICET, Argentina)
[31] Law and Language
Natalia SCAVUZZO (Universitat de Girona)
[32] Judicial Precedents
Álvaro NÚÑEZ VAQUERO (Universidad de Murcia)
[33] Coercion and the (Rule of) Law
Julieta RABANOS (University of Belgrade)
[34] Social media law & Internet Speech
Alessio SARDO (Università di Genova)
[35] Constitutional Democracy and Tax Law
Henrique MELLO (São Paulo University; Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies)
[36] Uses and Abuses of Statistical Evidence
Alejo GILES (Ph.D. - University of Genoa)

Elaboration of a Master Thesis
In order to be awarded the post-graduate degree of Advanced Master in “Global Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy”, each student shall present a final dissertation, which is meant to prove the candidate’s capacity of engaging in individual research on one of the subject matters connected to the program. Each student will be assigned two supervisors, who will follow and advise them on the work for the Master thesis based on a previously approved research project.
The thesis shall not exceed 150.000 characters (about 50 pages). It will be then evaluated by a special commission appointed by the Scientific Committee of the program.